Hidden Gifts

Create hidden gifts, Setup explanation


You have setup a Free Gift, but you wish to restrict the customer to access the gift directly?

You can setup that Free Gift as a Hidden Gift. Once it setup, the following are the behavior of hidden gift:

  • When customer landing on the Hidden Gift's page, they will be redirected to their previous page.
  • Remove the Hidden Gift from storefront search and search engine

Beside setup from our app, we will suggest you to create or do some changes on the `All` collection in order to hide the Hidden Gift from it.

Sounds interesting? Let's move forward! In the following article, we will guide you through the settings and how to set up the hidden gift in detail.

What's covered in this guide?

  1. Hidden Gift Setup
  2. `All` Collection

1 Hidden Gift Setup

1.1  Hidden Gift

In the UpsellX app, Click on the Hidden Gifts page > Click Create Hidden Gift

In the Create Hidden Gift page, select theproduct to be hidden gift, then adjust the setting based on your needs

  • When the Disabled product page access is checked, customer will be redirected when landing on that page
  • When the Hide from storefront search and search engine is checked, the product will be remove from the search on the storefront and also search engine.
1.2 Hidden Gift listing

Once you created the hidden gift, you will see the created gift in the listing

1.3 Update Hidden gift (Optional)

If you wish to edit the setting of your hidden gift, you can click the product from the list and update in the update page

2 `All` Collection

`All` Collection also known as a default collection. In this collection will listed all the products. If you wish to exclude the hidden gift from this collection, considering follows the following steps to setup the settings.

2.1  Check `All` collection

Check do you have a collection of `All`

Go to Product > Collections page

2.2 Create or update `All` collection

If you don't have a collection names `All` in your collections. You can create one with clicking on the Create Collection button


Update it by clicking into the collection

Fill in the details of the collection

Need to make sure the collection is with title of `All`

2.3 Setup collection type

The main part is on the setup collection type, we will suggest you to pick on the Automated > Product Type is not equal to Hidden

Of course you can come out other filter to differentiate your hidden gift from other products

If you using our way to differentiate them by product type, make sure your Hidden Gifts have the Product Type of Hidden


Our goal is to make shopping enjoyable, hassle-free, and tailored to each individual customer. We're committed to constantly improving our technology to stay ahead of the curve

If you require assistance with configuring UpsellX app, please contact us and we will be happy to help


You have setup a Free Gift, but you wish to restrict the customer to access the gift directly?

You can setup that Free Gift as a Hidden Gift. Once it setup, the following are the behavior of hidden gift:

  • When customer landing on the Hidden Gift's page, they will be redirected to their previous page.
  • Remove the Hidden Gift from storefront search and search engine

Beside setup from our app, we will suggest you to create or do some changes on the `All` collection in order to hide the Hidden Gift from it.

Sounds interesting? Let's move forward! In the following article, we will guide you through the settings and how to set up the hidden gift in detail.

What's covered in this guide?

  1. Hidden Gift Setup
  2. `All` Collection

1 Hidden Gift Setup

1.1  Hidden Gift

In the UpsellX app, Click on the Hidden Gifts page > Click Create Hidden Gift

In the Create Hidden Gift page, select theproduct to be hidden gift, then adjust the setting based on your needs

  • When the Disabled product page access is checked, customer will be redirected when landing on that page
  • When the Hide from storefront search and search engine is checked, the product will be remove from the search on the storefront and also search engine.
1.2 Hidden Gift listing

Once you created the hidden gift, you will see the created gift in the listing

1.3 Update Hidden gift (Optional)

If you wish to edit the setting of your hidden gift, you can click the product from the list and update in the update page

2 `All` Collection

`All` Collection also known as a default collection. In this collection will listed all the products. If you wish to exclude the hidden gift from this collection, considering follows the following steps to setup the settings.

2.1  Check `All` collection

Check do you have a collection of `All`

Go to Product > Collections page

2.2 Create or update `All` collection

If you don't have a collection names `All` in your collections. You can create one with clicking on the Create Collection button


Update it by clicking into the collection

Fill in the details of the collection

Need to make sure the collection is with title of `All`

2.3 Setup collection type

The main part is on the setup collection type, we will suggest you to pick on the Automated > Product Type is not equal to Hidden

Of course you can come out other filter to differentiate your hidden gift from other products

If you using our way to differentiate them by product type, make sure your Hidden Gifts have the Product Type of Hidden


Our goal is to make shopping enjoyable, hassle-free, and tailored to each individual customer. We're committed to constantly improving our technology to stay ahead of the curve

If you require assistance with configuring UpsellX app, please contact us and we will be happy to help