Driving the email list growth - Newsletter Subscription

Detailed explanation


UpsellX offers a `Newsletter Subscription` feature that you can configure to encourage your customers to subscribe to your store's newsletter and receive a member-exclusive free gift.

A form will be show up for the customers who not yet subscribe to your store's newsletter
There is a embedded form in the popup for user to subscribe newsletter
Exclusive gift's view
Customer who subscribed can enjoy all tiers of free gifts!

Sounds interesting? You can click here to setup the free gift discount, and scroll until the `Accelerate Growth with Exclusive Subscriber Benefits` and enable the subscriber exclusive gift.

The `Newsletter Subscription` feature will be successfully setup now!

For more details on how it works, the following article explains the flow and provides additional information you might find helpful.

What's covered in this article?

  1. What happened when customer subscribed with UpsellX form?
  2. Whom will the newsletter form be shown to?

1 What happened when customer subscribed with UpsellX form?

1.1 Newsletter Form

The UpsellX's newsletter form that embedded into our app, is the same newsletter form provided by Shopify's using liquid with our customization.

Or in another word, the form is provided from Shopify, which means it will have the validation from Shopify.

1.2 Successfully subscribed

And once successfully subscribed, there will be two situation:
- Non-registered customer: will create a customer in your store.

- Registered customer:  will help the customer subscribe to the newsletter.

(Subscribed customer you can check in the Shopify's Admin panel -> Customers section)

2 Whom will the newsletter form be shown to?

2.1 Guest / Non-login user

New comer into your store will be showing the form. Unless they registered the newsletter with our form in the Upsell widget, we will create a cookie that last 7 days, within the 7 days they still can enjoy the member exclusive free gifts

2.2 Logged in user without the newsletter subscription

Logged in user without the newsletter subcription will still showing the newsletter form for user to fill in the subscription email.


Our goal is to make shopping enjoyable, hassle-free, and tailored to each individual customer. We're committed to constantly improving our technology to stay ahead of the curve

If you require assistance with configuring UpsellX app, please contact us and we will be happy to help


UpsellX offers a `Newsletter Subscription` feature that you can configure to encourage your customers to subscribe to your store's newsletter and receive a member-exclusive free gift.

A form will be show up for the customers who not yet subscribe to your store's newsletter
There is a embedded form in the popup for user to subscribe newsletter
Exclusive gift's view
Customer who subscribed can enjoy all tiers of free gifts!

Sounds interesting? You can click here to setup the free gift discount, and scroll until the `Accelerate Growth with Exclusive Subscriber Benefits` and enable the subscriber exclusive gift.

The `Newsletter Subscription` feature will be successfully setup now!

For more details on how it works, the following article explains the flow and provides additional information you might find helpful.

What's covered in this article?

  1. What happened when customer subscribed with UpsellX form?
  2. Whom will the newsletter form be shown to?

1 What happened when customer subscribed with UpsellX form?

1.1 Newsletter Form

The UpsellX's newsletter form that embedded into our app, is the same newsletter form provided by Shopify's using liquid with our customization.

Or in another word, the form is provided from Shopify, which means it will have the validation from Shopify.

1.2 Successfully subscribed

And once successfully subscribed, there will be two situation:
- Non-registered customer: will create a customer in your store.

- Registered customer:  will help the customer subscribe to the newsletter.

(Subscribed customer you can check in the Shopify's Admin panel -> Customers section)

2 Whom will the newsletter form be shown to?

2.1 Guest / Non-login user

New comer into your store will be showing the form. Unless they registered the newsletter with our form in the Upsell widget, we will create a cookie that last 7 days, within the 7 days they still can enjoy the member exclusive free gifts

2.2 Logged in user without the newsletter subscription

Logged in user without the newsletter subcription will still showing the newsletter form for user to fill in the subscription email.


Our goal is to make shopping enjoyable, hassle-free, and tailored to each individual customer. We're committed to constantly improving our technology to stay ahead of the curve

If you require assistance with configuring UpsellX app, please contact us and we will be happy to help