Discounts: Free Gift

Create free gift discounts, Setup explanation


Free Gift or Gift with Purchase (GWP) is a discount type offered by UpsellX to boost your sales.

Once you successfully setup the free gift discount, it will have a floating widget showing on the side
When your customer clicked on the widget, there will be a popup show the detailed of the free gift provided
Will notify customer how much to unlock the free gift
It will show as a progress bar in the popup too
Once unlocked will notify customer on the free gift unlocked
And customer can now add their desired free gift into their cart!

Sounds interesting? Let's move forward! In the following article, we will guide you through the settings and how to set up the free gift discount in detail.

Note: Make sure you've followed the `How to configure UpsellX` guide to configure your UpsellX app. Click here for the guide if you haven't done so yet.

What's covered in this guide?

  1. Discount Setup
  2. Appearance Settings

1 Discount Setup

1.1 Create Discount

Click on the Dashboard from `UpsellX` app and click on the `Create Discount` button. Choose the `Free gift` discount


Go to the Shopify's Discount page, click on the `Create Discount` under the `UPSELLX` choose the `Free gift` discount

1.2 Configure Discount
Free gift

In the `Create Free Gift` page, there will be Title (Internal reference only. Customer won’t see this title) and Discount message (This message will display below the discounted item in the cart), fill up with your desire title and message.

General Settings

There are `Free gift available in the following collection` field in the General Settings. You can choose either the free gift will be triggered from any items or from collection(s)

Please select your desire collection(s) if you picking the `Collections` option
Free gift tiers

You can setup for each tier, the minimum purchase amount to unlock and the free gift(s) entitled. You can set up to 8 tiers.

Customer eligibility

You can choose either the all customer will be eligibled or only certain customer with the customer tag will be eligibled

Add the desired tag when you pick the Specific customer with tags option
You can add customer's tag in the customer's edit page


You can choose what type of discounts from other discounts can be combined usage with this discount.

Accelerate Growth with Exclusive Subscriber Benefits

Checked this can allowed you to setup the free gifts that exclusive for customer who subscribed your email newsletter

You can choose from which tier to be subscriber exclusive, start from tier 2
Will have a form to prompt user to subscribe to the newsletter
Exclusive gifts will show in different design
Active dates

You can set the start of the discount, and optionally, you can set the end date of the discount

Note: Only one discount can be active at a time. If you have multiple discounts available, you can schedule the second one for a future date. The first discount will automatically be replaced when the second one's start date arrives.

2 Appearance Settings

2.1 Widgets

Optionally, you can customize the look of the free gift widgets

Scroll Until the widget section

In here, you can change the position of the widget, either be left or right side, round or rectangle in shapes, and your desired icon to be in used.

The following are some demos of different shapes and positions to showcase how they looks like

For the icons there will be preview when you choosing, you can choose your desire icon based on your needs


Our goal is to make shopping enjoyable, hassle-free, and tailored to each individual customer. We're committed to constantly improving our technology to stay ahead of the curve

If you require assistance with configuring UpsellX app, please contact us and we will be happy to help


Free Gift or Gift with Purchase (GWP) is a discount type offered by UpsellX to boost your sales.

Once you successfully setup the free gift discount, it will have a floating widget showing on the side
When your customer clicked on the widget, there will be a popup show the detailed of the free gift provided
Will notify customer how much to unlock the free gift
It will show as a progress bar in the popup too
Once unlocked will notify customer on the free gift unlocked
And customer can now add their desired free gift into their cart!

Sounds interesting? Let's move forward! In the following article, we will guide you through the settings and how to set up the free gift discount in detail.

Note: Make sure you've followed the `How to configure UpsellX` guide to configure your UpsellX app. Click here for the guide if you haven't done so yet.

What's covered in this guide?

  1. Discount Setup
  2. Appearance Settings

1 Discount Setup

1.1 Create Discount

Click on the Dashboard from `UpsellX` app and click on the `Create Discount` button. Choose the `Free gift` discount


Go to the Shopify's Discount page, click on the `Create Discount` under the `UPSELLX` choose the `Free gift` discount

1.2 Configure Discount
Free gift

In the `Create Free Gift` page, there will be Title (Internal reference only. Customer won’t see this title) and Discount message (This message will display below the discounted item in the cart), fill up with your desire title and message.

General Settings

There are `Free gift available in the following collection` field in the General Settings. You can choose either the free gift will be triggered from any items or from collection(s)

Please select your desire collection(s) if you picking the `Collections` option
Free gift tiers

You can setup for each tier, the minimum purchase amount to unlock and the free gift(s) entitled. You can set up to 8 tiers.

Customer eligibility

You can choose either the all customer will be eligibled or only certain customer with the customer tag will be eligibled

Add the desired tag when you pick the Specific customer with tags option
You can add customer's tag in the customer's edit page


You can choose what type of discounts from other discounts can be combined usage with this discount.

Accelerate Growth with Exclusive Subscriber Benefits

Checked this can allowed you to setup the free gifts that exclusive for customer who subscribed your email newsletter

You can choose from which tier to be subscriber exclusive, start from tier 2
Will have a form to prompt user to subscribe to the newsletter
Exclusive gifts will show in different design
Active dates

You can set the start of the discount, and optionally, you can set the end date of the discount

Note: Only one discount can be active at a time. If you have multiple discounts available, you can schedule the second one for a future date. The first discount will automatically be replaced when the second one's start date arrives.

2 Appearance Settings

2.1 Widgets

Optionally, you can customize the look of the free gift widgets

Scroll Until the widget section

In here, you can change the position of the widget, either be left or right side, round or rectangle in shapes, and your desired icon to be in used.

The following are some demos of different shapes and positions to showcase how they looks like

For the icons there will be preview when you choosing, you can choose your desire icon based on your needs


Our goal is to make shopping enjoyable, hassle-free, and tailored to each individual customer. We're committed to constantly improving our technology to stay ahead of the curve

If you require assistance with configuring UpsellX app, please contact us and we will be happy to help